Darling of everyone.

Its just one month that you entered this world but you became darling of everyone. hmm.....Quite surprising to see how much you have changed the daily routine. Your grandfather, who never use to come home before 9:00 PM , is now coming back home at 3:00 in the afternoon and yes, no going back to office. I was kind of surprised to see him wandering in the hall and the portuko as I was playing with you the whole day and he was kind of waiting for his chance :-) . Not your mention your mom. She almost forgot to talk non-kid related items. "Kid is doing this", "Kid is doing that", "Kid is like this", "Kid is like that".......May be yes I was also into the moood of the listening to more of the kid than of the kid's mother :-) . Should I mention about your mama, and your two bathing employees :-) . The list goes on ....